About the brand Olympia Commercial Centre

Get informed about the brand Olympia Commercial Centre.

Understanding the logo and our brand

The logo of Olympia Commercial Centre draws inspiration from the former Debenhams logo, a brand closely associated with this iconic department store. The logo features a font style that is similar to the one Debenhams used.

Although the store is currently closed and not in use, it still carries the identity of a commercial centre, reflecting both its past and its potential future.

Our website is designed to be simple yet functional, mirroring the straightforward nature of our logo. As our primary goal is to inform the public about the building’s current state, elaborate branding is unnecessary.

Given the length of the name “Olympia Commercial Centre,” we also use the abbreviation “OCC” for convenience. We are in the process of developing a mobile-friendly logo for smaller screens.

Downloading the logo

How to use these resources

If you would like to use our logo in your brand materials, please reach out to us via our contact form to discuss your specific requirements.

You can download our logo in various formats and backgrounds using the links above.

Please note that certain variations of our logo may not be available for download. If you need access to a specific version, feel free to contact us for assistance.