Category: Debenhams Olympia

  • Current state of the website and general updates

    Hello everyone, I’d like to let everyone know that after much trouble our website is now back online. Many different factors affected the availablity of this site. I hope that there will be no outages just like the ones that happened previously. I am sorry if you were affected by this outage. Additionally I’d like…

  • Website back online

    I’d like to inform everyone, that our website is now back online. Unfortunately I don’t have any further information regarding the future of the Debenhams Olympia building. Once again, thank you for your interest in Olympia Commercial Centre.

  • Unavailability of this website

    Due to increased server-related costs, this website will be offline until April / May 2024 – if not even longer. As we are hosting this Webserver on our own, increased power and gas-prices are making it impossible to keep this server running for now. Thanks to solar-power, we can keep it running for the majority…